useragentswitcher_defaultUserAgent=Default User Agent
useragentswitcher_deleteFolderConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this folder? (All user agents in this folder will also be deleted.)
useragentswitcher_deleteMultipleConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete all of the selected user agents, folders and separators? (All user agents in any selected folders will also be deleted.)
useragentswitcher_deleteUserAgentConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this user agent?
useragentswitcher_editUserAgent=Edit User Agent
useragentswitcher_exportFileFailed=The file '%S' was not writable.
useragentswitcher_exportUserAgents=Export User Agents
useragentswitcher_importFileFailed=The file '%S' was either not found or was not readable.
useragentswitcher_importParserError=The file '%S' was not in the right format.
useragentswitcher_importUserAgents=Import User Agents
useragentswitcher_newUserAgent=New User Agent
useragentswitcher_resetConfirmation=Are you sure you want to reset all the User Agent Switcher options including the user agent list?